Telrad Networks has received certification of Citizens Broadband Radio Service Devices (CBSDs) from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Telrad is among the first companies to receive the CBRS certification, positioning customers to begin deployments into the shared spectrum band (3550-3700 MHz). The telecom company is also the first of the companies to receive part 96 certification with part 90 roots focused on a fixed wireless application, and enabling broadband connectivity to those otherwise under or un-served.
The FCC testing ensures that the devices tested adhere to 47 CFR Part 96 rules and demonstrate compliance with WINNF-TS-0122 test specifications. The test, performed at a WInnForum CBRS Approved Test Lab, successfully demonstrated that the Telrad CBSD adheres to the rules and correctly communicates with the Spectrum Access System (SAS), which authorizes and manages CBRS spectrum use. Telrad has made a strategic investment into CBRS, with a commitment to product development, contribution to setting the industry standards, alliance partnerships and participation in the launch of the OnGo certification program.